iServe - MP3 Series


According to Barna Research Group, only 18% of Americans volunteer at church. In most churches 20% of the people do the majority of the work. But these statistics do not reflect the heart of our example of a servant leader, Jesus Christ. In this series, iServe . . . Pastor Sean R. Moore, sets out to refresh our mindset concerning serving. This series is not the typical "Come on everyone-lets start serving in the local church" series. You will receive perspective that perhaps you've never considered before.

In this series you will learn:

  • What serving is and what it is not
  • The difference between volunteering and serving
  • Why serving is so important
  • Who should be serving
  • How serving is an extension of our worship
  • How to determine where to serve . . .

And much more.

In the kingdom of God, serving is a high end activity that deserves our best effort. This series will inspire you to serve God and others well. It will help you to boldly proclaim, "I serve God, others, the next generation and my community from my heart."

*NOTE* MP3 files are packaged in a zip file that will need to be downloaded to a computer and unpackaged to listen to the audio mp3 files on multiple devices.