I'm Done With Either Or Thinking - MP3 Sermon Series


*FEATURING a bonus MP3 from Pastor Sean R. Moore 

Do you find yourself feeling pressure to choose between one area of your life and another? For instance, maybe the tug-of-war happens between excelling at your career of devoting time to your spouse and children. But who said you couldn't have a successful career and great marriage and family at the same time? Why do we wrestle with choosing one area of our life over another? Min. Erica R. Moore explains through this encouraging teaching that this struggle is called having an "either/or" mindset – and it is not from God.  ":In fact, God has given us richly all things to enjoy - not just some." Are you tired of wrestling with an "either/or" mindset? Take some time out of your day to hear this anointed teaching and rid your mind of "either/or" thinking.  Trust God to surpass your highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes and dreams!